gallery 3

These are random pictures that I took for fun or by accident.
For this page, there is no specific motif so it'll be a little disorganized.
I hope you guys will like them all the same. :)

I tried to take portraits. Of course I was not successful.
However, this one with Tita Chit was different.
It's not exactly whoa material but there's definitely something. I just can't put my finger into it.

It's a mushroom. What can I say?

Forget the pathetic technique, focus on the hands.
These are the hands of my mother, a true proletariat.

I trek the path less traveled by men. (stolen line fr Joma)
The feet of a trying hard proletariat. :)

A rocky path leading to a house of a rock and roll family living a rockin' life.
My family, naturally.  :)


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