
Just a heads-up, I added new information on two of my entries.

For my pregnancy medical dos entry, I have added the following paragraph under finances:

Also, you can get a discount in hospitals nowadays. For example in Mission Hospital, if you pay for your drugs and laboratories in cash, you can avail a 15% discount. For your hospital bill, you can talk and negotiate with their credit and collection officer. Your discount will depend on how you will plead your case. In Doctors Hospital, you can get a 14% discount on your hospital bill if you also pay in cash. Additional discounts can be achieved, again if you negotiate with their credit and collection officer.

And for my getting ready to push entry, I added add-ons:


I forgot to include that you must also have the needed emergency numbers in case you go in to labor. If you have a car then good for you guys but H and I don't own one so... H and I have the numbers of 2 taxi companies known here in the city. H already has them on speed dial. If you want to use an ambulance then get the number of the hospital of your choosing. Put them on speed dial as well.

That's all. Happy reading! xx


getting ready to PUSH!

We are on our 37th week and I am very very happy to announce that my pregnancy has finally reached it's FULL TERM! Booyeah! Break it down!  ^_^  Who's the man? I'm da man! Or technically in this case, the woman! Haha!!

Anyway, we are all very very excited to finally see Tuka but I have to be honest I'm bloody terrified. I kept thinking I'll screw it up. (sigh) Hopefully though the birthing process will go off without a hitch.

I think all Mommies and Daddies out there have made tons and tons of preparations from the beginning of their pregnancy up to it's 37th week, but for today's entry, I'll be blogging about the preparations that we've made for the grand finale -- the birth of TUKA! Hehehe..

Of course to start off, here are the basic & necessary preparations:
-regular check-ups
-completion of needed tests & lab works
-taking in needed meds & shots
-proper nutrition
-taking in of pre-natal milk and needed vitamins/supplements
-proper rest & exercise

H and I did all of these, I have to be honest though, we did not do all of them perfectly or smoothly. Some we did late, some were done half-way only, some were done half-heartedly etc.. I can say though that we did them well enough. (sheepish)

So anyway, as I've said today's entry will focus on our preparations for the upcoming birth so here it goes...


Since I can give birth anytime we already have our go-to bags ready.

A friend of mine, KL, gave me a list based on her experience on what stuff was actually helpful/needed during her hospital stay and of course I have my family and my extended family to offer suggestions as well.

For the NANAY & TATAY BAG, here are the items that I have included:
-2 sets of clothes for me (I brought pajamas and loose shirts with buttons on the front for breastfeeding)
-1 set of clothes for H
-abdominal binder
-a towel & a shawl
-maternity underwear
-extra blanket
-breast pads (in case I have a lot of milk)

For the BABY BAG, here are the items that we are planning to bring:
-2 receiving blankets
-1 feeding bottle (just in case it is needed/requested)
-1 bath towel
-2 lampins
-2 plain blankets
-2 towelettes
-1 hat
-3 mittens
-2 socks
-2 pajamas & 1 shorts
-5 baby kimonos (2 sleeveless, 2 with short sleeves, 1 long sleeved)
-2 belly bands

-maternity pads
-toiletries for H & me (for bathing & grooming)
-special toiletries (feminine wash + 70% isopropyl alcohol)
-wet wipes & tissues
-cotton balls & cotton buds
-newborn diapers
-baby wash
-70% isopropyl alcohol (KL said for cord care)
-petroleum jelly
-dish-washing soap (for the plates etc)

-2 plastic glasses
-1 spoon, 1 fork
-2 plastic plates
-1 big pitcher for drinking water
-plastic containers for food

-Phil. Health documents
-medical papers
-personal documents (mine & Henden's)
-my birth plan
-mobile phones with load
-other papers needed for payment of bills


The most common advice that I've gotten from people is to walk walk walk. They said it will help make my birthing process easier. So, I have been walking more now. I walk whenever I have the chance. Instead of taking short jeepney rides, pedicab rides or tricycle rides - I walk.

I also do squatting exercises whenever I have the chance. While taking a shower, while watching TV or while enjoying my mornings or golden afternoons.

I am also learning breathing exercises to help me with labor pain. They said it will help relieve the pain, helps you relax, gives more oxygen to the body which will help your muscles function more effectively and give more oxygen to your baby as well.


I'm not sure if this is common in our country but H and I did this. We went to the hospital where I am planning to give birth and toured the whole maternity floor. I can't say this is needed but I think it is very helpful. That way when the big day comes, you are less likely to panic because you know exactly what do to and where to go.

Just make sure you know where the important places are like: the emergency room, labor room, delivery room, the maternity ward, nursing station, office for processing of insurance/referrals, office for payment of bills, place where to get food etc.

Also, make sure that you got all the important information before your big day. Like what kind of room would you like & how much is it, the usual process done when you start feeling contractions, where to go when a particular event happens etc.


We did our best to baby proof our house. We cleaned every nook & cranny. We re-arranged our room and living room to give space to baby furniture. We also tried to decorate our room to make it look more baby-friendly although I think we were not successful in this area since we don't have a lot of baby decorations available.

We have also bought and collected baby needs as best as we can. Our budget was limited so we just stuck to the very basic needs of the baby. We have washed and ironed all our baby cloths and clothes. We have cleaned & steamed our feeding bottles and maybe within this week we will set-up our crib. Yay!  :)


I have also filed my maternity leave. I will leave work for about 3-4 months depending on my situation. I have finished all the necessary processes needed by my health insurance that way when the big day comes, all my papers will be ready. I have checked with the hospital on what kind of accommodation I can afford and an estimate of how much I would be paying at the end of my hospital stay. I have discussed with my doctors and have reached an agreement on the doctor's fee. I have saved up some cash as well and have talked to people whom I can borrow money from IF an emergency arises (because seriously, you'll never know what will happen).

I have also talked to Henden and we have agreed on a system that we will use once Tuka is out. This is for chores, finances, taking care of Tuka & Ilaya etc. Of course, I am not 100% sure that the system will work but it is good to have some sort of plan before your baby comes out, that way the two of you won't be overwhelmed by the responsibility of being new parents. And I have heard from friends, family and comrades that in the beginning most people go crazy because of the million things they have to do every single day. Hopefully, we'll survive.


There. I am still very very scared though. I feel like I've missed something, that I'm not exercising enough, that maybe I'm stressing too much or that the baby stuff that we have are not good enough. I'm scared that Henden & I will crack under pressure. I'm scared that I might be a bad mother. I'm scared that the pressure will damage my relationship with H. My fears go on and on and on... (sigh)

Mommy jitters.  o_o  I'm doing my best to stay positive though. I have a great support system and so far despite all my fears, my pregnancy journey turned out pretty well. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It wasn't perfect but I consider myself lucky nonetheless and hopefully, a year from now, I would still feel lucky and blessed as I feel right now, maybe even more. ;)  xx


I forgot to include that you must also have the needed emergency numbers in case you go in to labor. If you have a car then good for you guys but H and I don't own one so... H and I have the numbers of 2 taxi companies known here in the city. H already has them on speed dial. If you want to use an ambulance then get the number of the hospital of your choosing. Put them on speed dial as well.


pregnancy pictures part 2

As I've said from my previous post, I will start my part 2 entry with pictures from New Year's eve. The start of 2013.  ^_^  My New Year celebration was a bit bittersweet, H had to go to work again so I can't help but be a little superstitious.I can't help but think that H and I won't be spending a lot of time together this coming 2013 but I guess that is to be expected. We're going to be parents this year so we're going to be pretty busy but at the end of the day that's okay. We're doing it for Tuka so everything will be worth it in the end. Anyway, here are my pictures for 2013...

That's me banging on an old pan using a spoon. I also wore a red polka dot blouse for luck. :)

That's me, my sister and my aunt. Again, making a lot of noise to ward off bad luck and evil spirits for a better year.  :)

Fishing with Pugak (my baby cousin). This was taken last January 16, 2013.

With my really big baby bump taken January 22, 2013.

 View from the top. I got this style from a fellow blogger, KL (she owns the blog I was born in September, see my blog roll for link), she took a picture of her bump while she could still see her feet. I tried to do the same but my bump is already too big. Hehehe.. Fail.

 Taken last January 23, 2013. Pre-natal check up infos: 30 weeks pregnant, 62 kilos, everything normal but my doctor told me to lessen my rice intake. Huhuhu.. :(  Also, we have a new set of labs. (sigh)

Taken last January 31, 2013 during my OGTT. The whole experience was not so bad but I'm not gonna lie, the glucose juice-ish mix was terrible. I had to swallow my own vomit TWICE. Yes, you got that right. Even H was surprised. Haha!!  :D  I survived the test and luckily the test turned out to be negative. Yay! Normal sugar ek ek.. Haha!!  :D

Taken last February 20, 2013 at the Mohon Health Center here in Villa. Getting ready for my Tetanus Toxoid shot. My arm was in pain for about 3 days. (sigh)

Taken last March 18, 2013. Already on my 37th week! Booyeah!  ^_^ Doing my daily late afternoon exercise. My baby bump is HUUUGE!

I have decided to end my part 2 entry here. I will be on my 38th week tomorrow so my next entry with pictures will probably be about nesting, preparations for my birth, the birth itself and my baby. Besides, I don't have a lot of pictures anymore. I have returned my aunt's camera and H and I are too busy with baby preparations.

That's all for now! xx


since TUKA is a boy...

I don't know if I have "readers" out there but if I do, you'll know that Henden and I made a bet on Tuka's gender. I wanted a girl and Henden wanted a boy. Since Tuka is a boy, Henden won. Hahaha!  :D

Henden and I are planning to tie the knot on 2016 so our bets were actually about our upcoming wedding.

So, the bets were:

If I win, I get to choose an engagement ring and I get to choose our wedding rings and Henden has to pay for them (100%) on top of his current contribution to our monthly expenses.

If he wins, no more engagement ring and we get to choose the wedding rings together and I have to pay for them (100%). Again, on top of my current contribution to our monthly expenses.

2016 is only 3 years away and I am still on my maternity leave so when I get back to work, I will be working double time. Got to save and pay off the bet that I made. Huhuhu..

Despite that however, I'm still very much happy that Tuka is a boy. We've already decided on a name. We bought and collected baby stuff for boys, I've done some research on how to take care/raise baby boys and I have started to imagine what it would be like to have a son.

Pretty soon though, I don't need to imagine anymore. Yay!  ^_^

Hopefully, if H and I make more bets in the future, I'll win. (cross fingers)

That's all for now folks. xx


pregnancy medical dos

Wow! My blog is so momma-ish. Haha!  :D

Today, I had to do another test since my pregnancy is almost full term (we are on our 36th week already! yay!) so, I decided to make a list of all the medical activities that I had to go through all through out my pregnancy.

Of course, every pregnancy is different. So, I'm sure other Mothers out there probably had to do different tests or procedures but maybe this list will at least give a heads-up to some upcoming mothers-to-be in the future. It might give them some sort of idea what to expect. (feeler ako! hehe!)

Also, I want the process documented as I've stated in the past so here it goes...


During my 1st and 2nd trimester, I had to visit my OB every 4 weeks unless I have some sort of emergency, which I did. I had earlier visits due to cramping pains, the sniffles, a fever, a minimal bleed and your usual 1st-time mommy paranoia. (hehe!)

Every visit, you'll have your usual SOPs. They'll take your weight, blood pressure, ask for any complaints that might be medically relevant and then later when it is possible, listen to your baby's heartbeat. This particular test is Henden's favorite. Also, my OB measures and feels my tummy every visit to monitor my baby's size. They'll ask you about fetal movement, you'll talk about proper nutrition, results of any test or lab work done etc.

During the 1st half of my 3rd trimester, I had to visit my OB every 2 weeks. Now that I'm on my 2nd half of my 3rd trimester, I visit my OB every week. The check-ups are pretty much the same. The only difference is during the 2nd half of my 3rd trimester, my OB has to do an IE since I will be giving birth very very soon!

If you have any health problems, I guess you'll have to visit other doctors as well. In my case, I used to have a heart ailment so I had to visit my Cardiologist thrice all through out my pregnancy.


Right after I found out I was pregnant, I had a lot of routine blood work done. They had to check my blood type, they had to check if I was Rh-positive or negative, they had to do a complete blood count, testing & screening for any infection (Hepa etc), they had to do an anti-body screening and they had to check my sugar level. I don't really understand most of it, all I know is that my tests came out normal. Nothing to worry about.

For the sugar level test (FBS) you have to fast. I did not eat or drink anything 8 hours prior the test and I went to the lab center really early in the morning. Take note that I was still in my 1st trimester, the morning sickness was still horrible so even the slightest feeling of hunger can make me feel sick. My advice, sleep early that way you won't feel bad even if you're hungry then go to the lab really early. If there are no food shops near the lab, bring snacks that you can munch on right after your blood was drawn.

During the later part of my 2nd trimester, I had to do an OGTT. It's another test to check how your body processes sugar. I had to do the test because my grandmother & aunt have diabetes. This test is a bit of a challenge. You have to fast, so no food or drink 8 hours prior the test. Then after the 1st drawing of blood, you'll have to drink a glucose juice in 5 minutes. Yes, you have to finish the mixture in 5 minutes only. The juice is horrible and I had to swallow my own vomit twice just so the test won't become a failure and I have to do everything from step 1 all over again. An hour after you finish the juice, they'll draw blood again. Then you'll have to wait another hour for the 3rd drawing of blood. All through out the test, you are not allowed to eat or drink anything so prepare to starve a little.

My advice for the OGTT, find a very efficient lab. You'll have 3 extractions, make sure the medical technologist that will draw your blood can do it fast and without any hassles. The juice makes most pregnant women puke-ish so close your mouth tightly, DO NOT VOMIT. If some err.. liquid manage to come back up, swallow them down. Nyahaha!! That is what I did. After the test, get some fresh air, eat and relax. I felt exhausted and horrible after the test so, H and I looked for a quiet and comfortable place to breathe, eat and relax before coming home.


I had exactly 3 ultrasounds, 1 for each trimester.

My first 2 ultrasounds were routine. It is not the kind of ultrasound you see in family movies. (that comes later) For me it was scary, uncomfortable and a little painful but it was my 1st time so I guess this is expected. My Doctor was very professional though so that eased the tension a little bit. Also, Henden was with me all through out the exam so that helped a lot.

The type of ultrasound that I had was called transvaginal ultrasound. Basically, they insert a probe inside you that sends out sound waves which a computer will receive and then the computer will create a picture. The probe SHOULD BE covered by a condom (not used! of course!) and a gel to ease discomfort and for sanitary reasons. You'll have to strip waist down, lie down in your back and feet apart. The clinic that I went to provides skirts that way you won't be totally naked when you lie down on the bed and they have a changing room that way you can strip and wear the skirt with privacy. You also have to pee before the exam.

I can't really explain the medical stuff. All I know is the test will check your pelvic structures and the current status of your baby.

The 3rd ultrasound was not needed, I requested it. I wanted to know my baby's gender so I went for my 3rd and final ultrasound. This is the ultrasound that you usually see in movies. They will put some sort of gel in your tummy and scan it. You'll see your baby in a big monitor, listen to your baby's heartbeat and your doctor exclaim whether your baby has balls or not. Haha!!  :D

For ultrasounds, clinics in the Philippines are not exactly "family" friendly like what we see in movies. Unless of course you're bloody rich. So for me, find a clinic that is professional but at the same time family oriented. If the clinic is too cold/too professional you can't really enjoy your ultrasound moments. I requested H to be with me inside the room during ALL of my ultrasounds. They accommodated H and even offered him a seat inside the examination room. It wasn't perfect but definitely better than others. Also, unlike other patients I talked to the doctor while the ultrasound was being performed. I asked questions, answered questions and even shared some laughs when we finally found out what my baby's gender was. The doctor even cracked some jokes.  ^_^


Let see, what else?

Pregnant women are prone to vaginal infections so it is also routine to do a urinalysis. Nothing fancy to talk about here. You pee in a cup. What's there to talk about?

Also, because of my heart ailment I had to do a 2D Echo. It's very similar to an ultrasound, difference is they're scanning your heart. You lie in a bed, you'll be hooked up in a machine and they'll scan your chest area. They'll mutter medical jargon all through the examination and talk to their assistant. I've done this test so many times when I was a kid so it was nothing new for me.

Today, I had an NST. It is a test that will check my baby's heart rate and movement. I will be giving birth soon so my doctor wants to make sure that everything is good and in tip top condition when I decide to PUSH! Haha!  :D

The NST was done in the hospital where I am planning to give birth. It was done in the labor room. I guess this was a good experience for H and me because we were given a chance to enter the labor room before my actual labor began. Unlike the blood work, I had to eat a lot before the test. I had to be very full and consume food rich in sugar that way my baby will be very active during the test. Again, I had to lie down in a bed and hooked up in a machine. They will ring a bell near my tummy and monitor my baby's reaction to the sound. Thankfully the result was again normal. Yay us! ^_^


For me, I had to take in the usual. Pre-natal milk, multivitamins for pregnant women, calcuim, iron supplements, folic acid etc.

When I had a minor bleed, I had to take in some hormone medicine. I can't remember the name but it was supposed to help and make sure that I don't lose my baby. I had to take the meds for 3 weeks, 3 times a day. It bled my pockets dry. The meds were pricey but H and I wanted to be sure that Tuka is safe so right after the check-up, I bought thousands worth of hormone medicine. o_o

I also had to get a TT or Tetanus Toxoid shot. Again, you have to be full before taking the shot. It wasn't so bad but your arm will be in pain for a few days so it can get a bit uncomfortable. I will be getting my TT2 or 2nd shot this coming March 20, 2013 so again I will be sporting a painful arm for several days next week. :(


I know it is not part of the medical theme of my entry for today but one cannot talk about medicine and not consider the expenses. So here are some tips if you are financially challenged.

For those who can't afford a private doctor, I suggest you avail of the "service" option of the hospitals. They will give out free check-ups and when you give birth the "service" ward will be very cheap and you won't have to pay for any doctor's fee.

Avail of the rate packages offered by Phil. Health. I don't like the government but the current rate packages for pregnant women are good. The old requirement where in you need contributions 9 months prior your birth to avail of any benefit is no longer necessary  They have a new system. For me, I had to pay Php 450.00 for every quarter, that is Php 1,800.00 for the whole 2013, get a policy contract, an updated MDR (a document from PH about your membership), and lastly, fill out a from in the hospital when you get admitted.

You'll be able to get:
Php 5,000.00 - for normal delivery
Php 19,000.00 - for CS delivery
Php 1,550.00 - for the baby
Php ?,???.00 - if the baby is sick (up for assessment)

Also, check your local health centers. They also give free pre-natal check-ups, free meds and vitamins (when they have stocks) and free shots (like my TT). And when your baby is born they can provide FREE immunizations and check-ups! They can also help you get a referral so you can give birth in lying-in clinics. Very very cheap, sometimes free for those who are very financially challenged.

You can also approach organizations like PCSO, you just need to pass certain requirements and they can help you pay your hospital bill. You can also approach local politicians, they have funding (a lot to be honest!) and if you can get referrals or approvals from them you can get discounts for your hospital bill. Every hospital also has a Social Service/Social Welfare office, visit them when you are in a bad financial shape, ask them about possible options that you can take to help you out.

Also, you can get a discount in hospitals nowadays. For example in Mission Hospital, if you pay for your drugs and laboratories in cash, you can avail a 15% discount. For your hospital bill, you can talk and negotiate to their credit and collection officer. Your discount will depend on how you will plead your case. In Doctors Hospital, you can get a 14% discount on your hospital bill if you also pay in cash. Additional discounts can be achieved, again if you negotiate with their credit and collection officer.

When push comes to shove, every hospital has an option where in you can get a promissory note that way you can check out and pay the hospital later.

So to everyone pregnant out there: HAPPY PREGNANCY y'all!  ^_^


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