blog makeover

I haven't written an entry for a long time and I thought it's high time I blog again. I have been visiting other blogs these past few days and I noticed a lot of them has given their blog a makeover so I decided to give mine one too! :)  A new look, a new name and a new promise to blog more often.

However, I felt a bit sad saying good bye to my old look and feel really proud about the new one that for my first entry in "my musings" I have decided to document the whole makeover process.

To start it off, this is my old header and footer, my old blog name and old blog description. I took some screen shots before taking them down for good. Hehehe...  :)

And here are my initial failed new look attempts. I used paint since I don't have Photoshop in my laptop (bummer!) and since I suck at drawing, I apologize.

After several hours of painting rainbows, flowers, mountains and whatnot, I finally chose a style/design that I liked. The first one was made by me, the second was made by Henden.

Then Henden joked about adding stick figures and I did. Despite the very amateur, childish look, I liked how it turned out so I decided to use them. The idea for the footer came later and it was good (for me and for H) so I went ahead and added it to my blog.

The name "my musings" has no particular reason. Other names that I came up with were: the boggled blogger, on a daily basis, afternoon musings and light living. I wanted something carefree and light, almost mundane since I'd be blogging about my day to day experiences.

And now... here we are! Yay! :)  I finally have a new look, a new name and a new entry after months of being idle.

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