Ghibli films recently aired in Disney Channel and it has been trending in Facebook ever since. Being a big fan of Japanese anime, I thought I'd write about them.
My sister loves Miyazaki films. Her favorite is My Neighbor Totoro. In fact she wanted a stuffed toy Totoro last Christmas. I scoured the entire city looking for one and found none and I can't really fly to Japan just to go shopping for one Christmas present. My sister settled for a Where is Wally? set. Hehehe.. :)
If you've watched the film, check the credits. You'll see that the Mother of Mei and Satsuki was voiced by Lea Salonga. Just a bit of trivia. :)
Out of all the Ghibli films I've seen, I like Spirited Away the most. I like the art, their perception on magic, monsters and the underworld. Despite all that however, I am not a big fan of Miyazaki. Everyone who has seen his films and did a bit of research on him knows that he is a pacifist and for that I did not become a fan.
I believe that a revolution is needed to achieve revolutionary change and in a revolution spilled blood is inevitable. I believe that in order to have peace, one must go through war first (I read this in a book by Joma) and in that war we must fight and some will die.
In Howls Moving Castle, war ended because of true love. Huh? The political side of the war was put aside, the economic situation after the war, not to mention the moral of the people having been through hell and back. Howl lived happily ever after. What about the people? The victims of war and injustice? Even my 8-year old sister got confused.

Having said that, I am a BIG fan of One Piece. It is a very popular anime series from Japan. I am currently waiting for episode 534. I have a lot of reasons for liking One Piece, although I must admit I always skip the filler episodes, I don't have the patience for them.
I started watching One Piece due to Henden's suggestion, we were running out of series to download and we were getting bored during the afternoons so we thought we should give anime a try again. We decided on One Piece because it is the most popular manga both in Japan and abroad as of now. The beginning is okay, nothing awesome but as the story progresses, you get hooked then you can't stop watching.
I like One Piece because it discusses issues in present day society. It discusses corruption and problems in the government (World Government), the military (Marines), the upper social strata (Nobles, Royalty, Celestial Dragons), the masses (citizens, the poor, homosexuals etc), the lumpen (Pirates, Bandits) and of course the revolutionaries (Revolutionaries). It talks about discrimination, racism (or specie-ism?), slavery, poverty, sexual abuse, human rights violations and many more.
It seems too hard core, I know. Which is why I was in awe on how the writer pulled it off. For some reason they were able to insert these issues and maintain the fun in the anime. Kids can still enjoy and at the same time learn real-life issues. Most of all, this anime teaches you to fight. To fight for what is right and to fight back when you are treated wrong.
This is not an exaggeration because in an episode where Luffy declared war against the World Government, Ilaya was screaming "revolution! revolution!" while thumping her fist up in the air. The whole scenario was both funny and scary.
Other than these, the lines are quite good too. Not half-assed as if the viewers were brain dead but intelligent as if they respect all the viewers and has high regard to their intellectual capacity.
In the anime it is implied that a big change will occur soon and it will determine the future of the world. Funny, in the anime the Revolutionaries have a big role on the supposed change. Sort of like in real life. A big change is about the happen and... never mind. ;)
Anyway, for those who have the patience, try One Piece and tell me what you think.