my online life
Tuka is asleep and I don't want to wash the dirty dishes yet. We have lazy weather today. ^__^
Everyone is on the internet and that includes me. I don't know what most people do online and I'm not sure I even want to know but it's an interesting subject so I thought I'll blog about where I 'hang-out' when I'm online. I know most people stay logged-in in Facebook for hours but I don't. Especially nowadays, so many idiots online it makes me wanna cry. Hehehe.. Kidding! Well.. not really. ^___^
Anyhoo, when I was still employed, every time (and I mean EVERY TIME) I open my laptop, I usually check my e-mail (gmail), then log-in to our company's pipeline, then open google translate, google define and google images. All of these for work.
Once I'm settled, then I do a more personal online surfing. Now, that I don't work anymore, all my surfing activities are personal. I haven't opened my gmail for months. Feels good. Hehehe.. :) So, here are some sites that I frequently visit...
I like blogs and I'm an avid blog hopper. But there are 5 blogs that I visit and check almost everyday. That includes my own. Hahahaha!! ^__^ I like boosting my own site meter. It's like patting my own back. Ngek! :)
- YOUNG HOUSE LOVE - I'm obsessed with this blog. YHL is a DIY home improvement blog owned by a young couple with 2 children. They live in Virginia. You could say I have blog envy, their site stats are off the roof, you can tell from the entries they receive every time they have a giveaway. They're probably earning mucho moolah and all they have to do is blog about their everyday lives. The envy feels! Ugh! The main reason why I really like this blog though is because of the DIY projects. I want to do that too. Someday.. Someday..
- DOOR SIXTEEN - Another DIY home improvement blog but with a very different style from YHL. Her DIY projects ain't as many as YHL but I love her style more and the pictures in her blog are really beautiful.
- JOY THE BAKER - Yup, you guessed it - a food blog. Hahaha!! ^_^ A baker chef from New Orleans. Love the food, love the pictures and love her writing.
- BOWER POWER - I like this blog for 3 reasons. 1 is because she has 3 hunky looking little boys and I like reading any advice regarding them. 2 is because of the DIY projects. 3 is because she's BFF with YHL's Sherry. Yup, I have loyalty.
- MY MUSINGS - Last but not the least, my very own blog. Despite the fact that I don't update very often, I actually log-in to my blogspot account almost everyday to check things out and as I've said to boost my site meter. Also, I believe I'm an interesting enough person so sometimes I re-read my entries and go: "Wow! Ain't I smart or what?". I don't do humble brags here, I brag period and I own it. (snaps fingers)
- ERB - Epic Rap Battles of Historeeeeehhhhh! It's fun, educational in a way (?) and the lines and the songs are actually quite good. In fact, the whole production is really well-made. From the costumes, to the graphics to the acting - really nice.
- TEENAGERS/KIDS REACT - It's a segment by The Fine Brothers. I don't know why but for some reason I enjoy the kids' reaction. Besides, I feel like I'm learning more about their generation, more about pop culture and it might come in handy in the future when Ilaya starts high school.
- HONEST TRAILERS - These videos were made by Screen Junkies. They are hilarious! Check them out, they're epic.
- MUSIC VIDEOS PARODY - Videos made by College Humor. Not all of their videos are good though, in my opinion, but I really like the music videos. Especially the one about instagram. :)
- SNL - Who doesn't like Saturday Night Live, right? All though I have to admit some of their sketches are pretty bad. However, I love digital shorts featuring The Lonely Island, I love their parodies on political figures/events (Sarah Palin parodies are the best) and I love the segment Weekend Update. I watch SNL via YouTube because we don't have cable. Awwww. :(
- YIFY videos. YIFY is like the new aXXo or the new FXG. Maybe they're the same person, I dunno. Anyway, this site contains all YIFY videos. It's available for downloads or for streaming.
- Anime episodes or Manga strips. This site contains all released episodes including specials of One Piece, Fairy Tail, Dragon Ball and Naruto. Good print, Japanese audio and English subtitles. Manga is also available in English.
- This site is like a search engine especially made for torrents. It's the pirate Google.
- Another site for anime. H and I discovered this when we were looking for good copies of Ghost in a Shell.
- Last but not the least, the mother ship. I think you already know what this site is. Hahaha! ^__^
- CLICK THE CITY - I usually check this site for available movies in Robinsons or SM City. They give the cinema number, the time and the quality of the print (whether it's 2D or 3D).
- YAHOO SHINE - I got this habit from H and it sort of stuck. Besides, my daily extended is always crazy accurate.
- WATTPAD - It's a guilty pleasure. Hehehe.. :) Most writers are amateurs and don't proof read before publishing their updates but I'm no grammar Nazi so I can put up with it. Majority of the stories are sappy and under teen fiction which is not very appealing to me now that I'm turning 26. There are some well-written stories in this site though, rare but they're there.
- 9GAG TV - was the site I frequently visit before, maybe 2 years ago but nowadays the tv version is much more enjoyable and interesting.
- LISTVERSE - I'm a list kinda girl. I make a list to make more lists. Yup, I do that. So this site is right up my alley.
- EPGUIDES - This site is to monitor TV shows that I'm currently hooked on. They show the number of seasons, number of episodes and their titles, release date, a mini-summary of the show and a preview for every episode via TV rage. Also, it's structured as a search engine so it's very user friendly and internet speed friendly (the site isn't fancy looking so it loads up pretty fast).
- BPI - Yes, I do online banking. It's convenient especially for someone like me.
- Facebook - Last but not the least Facebook. I use FB for many reasons. To plug my blog entries, to contact faraway friends, to brag about my son, to spy and stalk people without getting arrested, to check out shared links, to get depressed and envious, to feel 'connected', to be 'in', to do hacktivist activities and many more.