tuka update - 1 year and counting!

We're officially a toddler. Booyeah! Break it down! ^___________^

As I've promised in the past, I will do as many Tuka updates for as long as I can. I'm thinking maybe until Tuka starts grade school then I'll stop. So for now, here are Tuka's most recent stats..


Weight: 10 kilos as of June 11, 2014 - he was 1 year and 11 weeks.

Milk: We are currently drinking Enfagrow A+ Lactose Free by Mead Johnson (same maker of Nutramigen). We are drinking an average of 24-30 oz of milk everyday.

Suam: Yes, we are still using suam. We mix it daily with his milk. We are still using organic brown rice.

Our feeding formula goes like this:
-2 oz of water
-7 scoops of milk (Enfagrow milk to water ratio is 1:1; so that's 1 scoop for every 1 oz of water)
-5 oz of suam

Our feeding schedule usually looks like this:

4-5AM:    4 oz of milk
7-8AM:    breakfast
9AM:        4-6 oz of milk
11:30AM: lunch
1PM:        6-7 oz of milk
3-4PM:     snacks
6-7PM:     dinner
7:30PM:    7-8 oz of milk
12MN:      6 oz of milk

I usually adjust the number of oz depending on his solid food intake. I usually just give Tuka whatever food is available on the table unless the dish available has coconut milk. I also don't give him dried fish because it might cause allergies at this stage.

Tuka's current faves are:
-Chuckie (the chocolate milk drink)
-long hair pasta dishes
-Cheezee spread
-plain Skyflakes
-crab and corn soup (by Knorr)
-fish cardillo
-fried tilapia
-TJ hotdogs
-junk food (Nutri Star & Chiz Curls)


For multivitamins, we are taking Poly Vi Flor drops and PedZinc drops daily.

For vaccines, the only additional shot that we got was for MMR. I gave a list during my last Tuka update entry. You can view the list here. I just use the term shot but some of the vaccines were taken orally but most Moms already know that so moving on..


As of now, tooth #9, #10 and #11 are out. But they're still very tiny but they have broken out of the gums so I'm hoping they will grow a bit faster now since Tuka is more suplado when teething.

We think a #12 and a #13 might follow very soon but we can't really be sure until they break out of the gums.

#9 and #10 are canines and they look so dang adorable. I dunno why but I used to think H's canines were adorable too. Really sharp and very (for lack of a better term) vampire-ish looking. Unlike mine. My canines are dull, not as sharp as Henden's.

Down side though, Tuka doesn't like his teething materials anymore so he just nibble on whatever object he fancies for the day. Like the chair, the table, the broom and many more. I don't stress out over it anymore, it's exhausting. I just brush his teeth really thoroughly 2x a day to make me feel better. Hehehe..  :)

Also, I will start deworming Tuka in August (1 year & 6 mos) to make sure he doesn't have any parasites. All that nibbling might lead to some really nasty worms. So, that's my game plan. Hihihi..  :)


I also gave a list of his motor skills during my last update so I'm just going to list the additional skills that he has now.

-Can walk.
-Can run. Sometimes he stumbles.
-Can climb up on things. If it's too tall, usually he falls down.
-Can open and close doors (without locks of course).
-Can climb up on small-spaced stairs.
-Been trying to jump for weeks now without success. Maybe he's too heavy? >_<

On intelligence and fine motor skills, it's a bit hard to describe much less measure. Or make an intelligent calculation on what he can and cannot do. What he knows and doesn't know at this stage.

For example, I once discovered that Tuka was able to lock-in the security straps on his high chair. He only did this once so I'm not sure if he just got lucky or what.

Tuka was also able to arrange his stacker toy (it's a tall toy) in the correct order ON HIS OWN. Without anyone helping him or telling him what goes where. Correct order. Again, only once.

I've also seen Tuka experiment on how to use the remote as if he's really trying to learn how to use it. And many more.

So for now, I don't know and I'm not gonna jump to conclusions. For now, I'm okay with the fact that he's in good shape and usually in a happy disposition. There are a lot of opportunities in the future to train his intelligence. Besides, I believe H and I are smart enough to raise a witty enough child. I mean, H explains dialectical materialism via chemistry. Beat that. ^__^


RAIN! Tuka loves the rain so so so much! He loves to look at the rain, take a bath under the rain or walk under the rain wearing a jacket or using an umbrella. RAIN - FTW!

Swimming. Basically, Tuka is half fish. Anything with water is interesting for him. Unfortunately, Tuka doesn't enjoy beaches that much because he can't stand the salty water. But he can swim in a pool for hours. Seriously.

Bugs. Tuka loves all-thing buggy or insect-ty. (Did I use that term right? Somebody google this!) Tuka loves ants, caterpillars, butterflies, beetles, horseflies, flies, termites etc.. His all-time favorite are ants.

Tuka loves our dog - Lucifer. He is also fascinated by cats.

Likes mud. Hates semi-wet or dry dirt and sand.

Ghibli films, Mother Goose Club videos, Winnie the Pooh films and Shaun the Sheep episodes.

Fave books as of now - My First 123 Glitter Book, Colours by Jan Pienkowski and a couple of touch & feel books that I got from Booksale.

Monster trucks and dozers. Also, balls. And dinosaurs esp. the T-Rex.


I think that's all for now. I wanted to add Nanay Peeves but I don't want to end an entry negatively. I'll save that for another post. xx

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