getting ready to PUSH!
We are on our 37th week and I am very very happy to announce that my pregnancy has finally reached it's FULL TERM! Booyeah! Break it down! ^_^ Who's the man? I'm da man! Or technically in this case, the woman! Haha!!
Anyway, we are all very very excited to finally see Tuka but I have to be honest I'm bloody terrified. I kept thinking I'll screw it up. (sigh) Hopefully though the birthing process will go off without a hitch.
I think all Mommies and Daddies out there have made tons and tons of preparations from the beginning of their pregnancy up to it's 37th week, but for today's entry, I'll be blogging about the preparations that we've made for the grand finale -- the birth of TUKA! Hehehe..
Of course to start off, here are the basic & necessary preparations:
-regular check-ups
-completion of needed tests & lab works
-taking in needed meds & shots
-proper nutrition
-taking in of pre-natal milk and needed vitamins/supplements
-proper rest & exercise
H and I did all of these, I have to be honest though, we did not do all of them perfectly or smoothly. Some we did late, some were done half-way only, some were done half-heartedly etc.. I can say though that we did them well enough. (sheepish)
So anyway, as I've said today's entry will focus on our preparations for the upcoming birth so here it goes...
Since I can give birth anytime we already have our go-to bags ready.
A friend of mine, KL, gave me a list based on her experience on what stuff was actually helpful/needed during her hospital stay and of course I have my family and my extended family to offer suggestions as well.
For the NANAY & TATAY BAG, here are the items that I have included:
-2 sets of clothes for me (I brought pajamas and loose shirts with buttons on the front for breastfeeding)
-1 set of clothes for H
-abdominal binder
-a towel & a shawl
-maternity underwear
-extra blanket
-breast pads (in case I have a lot of milk)
For the BABY BAG, here are the items that we are planning to bring:
-2 receiving blankets
-1 feeding bottle (just in case it is needed/requested)
-1 bath towel
-2 lampins
-2 plain blankets
-2 towelettes
-1 hat
-3 mittens
-2 socks
-2 pajamas & 1 shorts
-5 baby kimonos (2 sleeveless, 2 with short sleeves, 1 long sleeved)
-2 belly bands
-maternity pads
-toiletries for H & me (for bathing & grooming)
-special toiletries (feminine wash + 70% isopropyl alcohol)
-wet wipes & tissues
-cotton balls & cotton buds
-newborn diapers
-baby wash
-70% isopropyl alcohol (KL said for cord care)
-petroleum jelly
-dish-washing soap (for the plates etc)
-2 plastic glasses
-1 spoon, 1 fork
-2 plastic plates
-1 big pitcher for drinking water
-plastic containers for food
-Phil. Health documents
-medical papers
-personal documents (mine & Henden's)
-my birth plan
-mobile phones with load
-other papers needed for payment of bills
The most common advice that I've gotten from people is to walk walk walk. They said it will help make my birthing process easier. So, I have been walking more now. I walk whenever I have the chance. Instead of taking short jeepney rides, pedicab rides or tricycle rides - I walk.
I also do squatting exercises whenever I have the chance. While taking a shower, while watching TV or while enjoying my mornings or golden afternoons.
I am also learning breathing exercises to help me with labor pain. They said it will help relieve the pain, helps you relax, gives more oxygen to the body which will help your muscles function more effectively and give more oxygen to your baby as well.
I'm not sure if this is common in our country but H and I did this. We went to the hospital where I am planning to give birth and toured the whole maternity floor. I can't say this is needed but I think it is very helpful. That way when the big day comes, you are less likely to panic because you know exactly what do to and where to go.
Just make sure you know where the important places are like: the emergency room, labor room, delivery room, the maternity ward, nursing station, office for processing of insurance/referrals, office for payment of bills, place where to get food etc.
Also, make sure that you got all the important information before your big day. Like what kind of room would you like & how much is it, the usual process done when you start feeling contractions, where to go when a particular event happens etc.
We did our best to baby proof our house. We cleaned every nook & cranny. We re-arranged our room and living room to give space to baby furniture. We also tried to decorate our room to make it look more baby-friendly although I think we were not successful in this area since we don't have a lot of baby decorations available.
We have also bought and collected baby needs as best as we can. Our budget was limited so we just stuck to the very basic needs of the baby. We have washed and ironed all our baby cloths and clothes. We have cleaned & steamed our feeding bottles and maybe within this week we will set-up our crib. Yay! :)
I have also filed my maternity leave. I will leave work for about 3-4 months depending on my situation. I have finished all the necessary processes needed by my health insurance that way when the big day comes, all my papers will be ready. I have checked with the hospital on what kind of accommodation I can afford and an estimate of how much I would be paying at the end of my hospital stay. I have discussed with my doctors and have reached an agreement on the doctor's fee. I have saved up some cash as well and have talked to people whom I can borrow money from IF an emergency arises (because seriously, you'll never know what will happen).
I have also talked to Henden and we have agreed on a system that we will use once Tuka is out. This is for chores, finances, taking care of Tuka & Ilaya etc. Of course, I am not 100% sure that the system will work but it is good to have some sort of plan before your baby comes out, that way the two of you won't be overwhelmed by the responsibility of being new parents. And I have heard from friends, family and comrades that in the beginning most people go crazy because of the million things they have to do every single day. Hopefully, we'll survive.
There. I am still very very scared though. I feel like I've missed something, that I'm not exercising enough, that maybe I'm stressing too much or that the baby stuff that we have are not good enough. I'm scared that Henden & I will crack under pressure. I'm scared that I might be a bad mother. I'm scared that the pressure will damage my relationship with H. My fears go on and on and on... (sigh)
Mommy jitters. o_o I'm doing my best to stay positive though. I have a great support system and so far despite all my fears, my pregnancy journey turned out pretty well. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It wasn't perfect but I consider myself lucky nonetheless and hopefully, a year from now, I would still feel lucky and blessed as I feel right now, maybe even more. ;) xx
I forgot to include that you must also have the needed emergency numbers in case you go in to labor. If you have a car then good for you guys but H and I don't own one so... H and I have the numbers of 2 taxi companies known here in the city. H already has them on speed dial. If you want to use an ambulance then get the number of the hospital of your choosing. Put them on speed dial as well.