Just a heads-up, I added new information on two of my entries.
For my pregnancy medical dos entry, I have added the following paragraph under finances:
Also, you can get a discount in hospitals nowadays. For example in Mission Hospital, if you pay for your drugs and laboratories in cash, you can avail a 15% discount. For your hospital bill, you can talk and negotiate with their credit and collection officer. Your discount will depend on how you will plead your case. In Doctors Hospital, you can get a 14% discount on your hospital bill if you also pay in cash. Additional discounts can be achieved, again if you negotiate with their credit and collection officer.
And for my getting ready to push entry, I added add-ons:
I forgot to include that you must also have the needed emergency numbers in case you go in to labor. If you have a car then good for you guys but H and I don't own one so... H and I have the numbers of 2 taxi companies known here in the city. H already has them on speed dial. If you want to use an ambulance then get the number of the hospital of your choosing. Put them on speed dial as well.
That's all. Happy reading! xx