security pillow
Everyone has a security blanket or something. In my family, my sister and I both have security pillows. I know it seems childish and immature but some for some reason it stuck and now it is basically a part of our identity.
Ilaya's security pillow is named Flower for the flower pattern design it has. It was given to her by our cousin Ilych when Ila was around 2 years old. Flower was bought at SM department store for less than a hundred pesos and was meant to be a temporary thing - a pillow for Ilych's airplane rides. But Ilaya liked it and eventually got attached to it.
Now, she brings it whenever she goes to any overnight trips, sleepovers or vacations.
Here is Ilaya with Flower and Ilych on our way to Boracay. :)
Flower is now 6 years old, she'll be turning 7 this coming October (we base the age on Ila's age to avoid confusion). Flower has been washed so many times that the pattern and color is now slowly fading. It has been repaired, re-stuffed and sewn back again countless times that it now resembles a zombie pillow. There were times that Flower went on unwashed for months that it was torture having siestas with Ilaya. Ugh.

My security pillow has no name. I don't know why. I just didn't think it was necessary to name it but I am as attached to it as Ilaya is to Flower. If you look at the last picture, Ilaya is with a red long flat pillow. That red one is my security pillow. That pillow was given to me by my Uncle whom I call Tatay Willy. Coincidentally, he is Ilych's father. My pillow was given to me when I was in 3rd grade and I still have it until now. I don't sleep with it anymore but I always have it in my office where I spend 80% of my time.
It was brown originally but the old brown cover was so old that my late godmother Tita Chit decided to throw it away and make me a new one in red but with the same texture as the old one. This was in my 1st year in high school. Now, I'm 23 so I have been with my red pillow for about 14 years and counting. The stuffing inside is getting hard and I'm thinking of having it re-stuffed to give it more life/fluff again.
I am not sure about my pillow's age since it was handed down to me. Meaning Tatay Willy used it years before giving it to me. It is one of my priced possessions even though it looks dead now. Haha! I have no recent photograph, I am sorry. I don't own a camera either so I can't take pictures of it while writing this blog.
I think everyone has a security something. My baby cousin has an old mickey mouse pillow (family thing?) and I have a friend who can't sleep without rubbing her hands on a mosquito net. She has a small pillow with a mosquito net cover. She brings it everywhere. :) If you have one or if your friend or family has one, let me know! Ciao!