
Everytime I go blog hopping I've noticed that people are putting up notices regarding copyrights. Nowadays, copyright is such a big issue that I've decided to make one entry on the topic. I of course want to protect my rights as well but at the same time, I want to be safe from cyber sharks out there. I don't want to be bullied just because I copied a picture from Google images. Hehehe..  :)

So, for everyone's information:

1. All real-life pictures in this blog are owned by me even the ones without the watermarks unless stated otherwise. Although not all of them are taken by me, they are taken by friends and family and I have their permission to post it on my blog.

2. I do not claim ownership to the rest of the pictures/gif seen in this blog. The right belongs to their respected owners whoever they are.

3. My template is from shush, I have given him/her credit before and I will do it again just to be safe. However, the header and the footer were made by me.

4. All articles are copyrighted to my musings formerly unedited ramblings, again unless stated otherwise. The quotes taken from books, songs and movies are all quoted properly.

5. I sometimes grab pictures from the internet so for those who have issues with me grabbing their pictures, please drop me some comments and I will re-post it or take it down accordingly.

6. Since Blogspot is a Google account everything is automatically copyrighted so please when you share give proper credits. Thank you.

Well, that should keep me safe from now. I'm not a big fan of strict copyrights and frankly I won't feel bad if others would copy my work/style/idea. It has happened before and I just kept quiet about it. However, it would be really nice if you give me just a little bit of credit. That won't hurt, would it?

Lastly, I support the call for internet freedom so I believe the open source and open sharing community should  keep on thriving and keep sharing the LOVE. ^_^

Drop me some thoughts on the matter. Thanks.

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