September Madness
It is the end of the first Ber Month and sadly I have written only five entries. I wanted to write more but unfortunately for me, September was absolutely hectic. So, I am writing this entry as an update and as tribute to September.
First of all, I am now officially 22 years old. So yeah, thanks for that, I guess. (Not exactly sure) I had a very peaceful birthday. There was no celebration and there were no food, my family weren't here, my boyfriend had school activities, I was flat broke... the list goes on and on and on... Haha!! :D
But I was happy and certain things happened that made up for my lousy birthday. One is that, I had so many birthday greetings. (Thank God for Facebook... hehe!) There were private messages, chat messages, wall postings, text messages and calls. It made me all fluffy inside. Awwww.. :) Next is that my Sister once again made it to the TOP TEN which is no lousy feat since she's attending SPED. I was able to receive presents, yay!! :)) Lastly, I have a new job. A regular one so once again - yay!! :))
September also gave way to a lot of activities, activities that I was able to attend. So, it gave me a chance to hang-out with friends and once again bond with family. I have been cooped up for far too long and I'm happy and glad that I'm once again back on my feet. There are still adjustments to be made and admittedly there are still a lot of screw ups but I'm positive, things will work out oh so fine. :)
I was right on when I said that September was a month to look forward to and now it has come to an end. So, here's to you oh so faithful month! Cheers! May next year be more fruitful! :D