A bitch slap to male chauvinism.

Last week was absolutely hectic. I was so busy I was not able to join the Blog Action Day which was hosted by Anakbayan. I felt really bad. However, if I find some time, I'll make a late entry. I promise.

Anyway, I noticed that a lot of bloggers are posting poetry in their blogs lately. I thought that I should join in the trend. I've always loved poetry and I'll try and whip some of my old poems and post it here in blogger. As of now though, due to limited time, I'll just take some of the poems that I made as notes in Facebook and post it here.

Copy-paste, easy peasy. Hahaha!! :D So here's one that I found from panitikan.com, I absolutely love the writer's sarcasm. I think it's refreshing and out of the box. Satire in its most glorious form.

A Prayer of Great Expectations
By: Fanny H. Ba. Llego

There’s no doubt about it I need to get hitched:
I need someone to scratch me whenever I itch

Or give me a backrub whenever I want it
(Who’ll pout only a little when someone else does it);

Someone on whom I can vent all my frustrations
And who is supportive in trying situations;

Who’ll extol all my virtues, forget all my faults
And would always submit to my sexual assaults;

Who’ll bring up my children the way they should be
Yet still be entirely devoted to me,

Who’ll always obey me, my word being law,
My logic perfect, my thinking, without flaw,

My sexy cheerleader, housekeeper, accountant,
Secretary, nursemaid, unflagging assistant;

Brought up and moulded to think that success
Is found in the home: nothing more, nothing else.

O, Mother Goddess, I need in my life
A man willing to be the perfect little wife!

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