33rd week update
I have a bit of free time so I decided to post another entry while I still can. I've noticed that most of my entries about my pregnancy has been about me. Which is understandable since I still don't have any actual "mommy" experiences. Also, I feel a bit hesitant in sharing information about my baby. I don't know why but I feel like I want all information kept between H & me for now. Sometimes, I don' even tell my own Mother about some of my baby's developments. Am I selfish? Overprotective? H says I'm manol. I don' even allow people to touch my belly especially during my 1st & 2nd trimester. Hehehe..
However, I'm much more relaxed now and I don't feel so bad anymore when people touch my baby bump. Also, I feel like I'm a bit more in control of the situation now. I feel like, finally I can do this. That I can actually survive.
Also, before, although I am extremely happy about my pregnancy, the whole step by step development, I did not feel any rush or eagerness for my baby to come out. I felt content already. However, a friend recently gave birth to a beautiful baby girl and it finally dawned on me that in a matter of 4 short weeks my baby will be in full term and I can give birth anytime. It was an OMG moment! ^_^ And for the past few days I can't help but feel very very VERY excited. I feel restless. I want to stop working so I can concentrate on the baby-is-finally-here preparations. I kept contacting people that will help me with the baby needs. I can't sleep sometimes thinking what other baby stuff I have to do the next day. And everytime I look at baby pictures in Facebook, I can't help but think OMG OMG OMG, I'm gonna be next! I'M GONNA BE NEXT! ^_^
So, finally, on my 33rd week, I can finally say: I CAN'T WAIT TO FINALLY SEE YOU, AND HOLD YOU TUKA!! ^_^ I am soooo excited!! (with a mixture of fear of course. we all know it hurts like a mother when women give birth)